6 min. read
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(courtesy of The Healthy Epicurean) |
On the social action front, I’ve added a couple more volunteering activities to my already very rewarding shifts at the Red Cross. In late 2022 I join the team of an excellent Belgian charity that supports those involved in the sex trade and provides routes out for those looking to leave. In some ways, it’s a resumption of the outreach work of which I was part in Strasbourg, except this organisation has an even more extensive support system. As was the case in France, I limit my participation for now to once a month. The work is fulfilling but emotionally and mentally heavy.
I also join the team at church responsible for translating English worship song lyrics into French. It’s led by Mark, a convivial young man, it seems. Owing to the lack of uptake elsewhere, he's responsible for several ministries at FWM, despite himself being a full time healthcare worker. We have a surprisingly good working relationship so far. I say surprisingly, because our first encounter at a retreat for young professionals a couple of years earlier, was not at all promising. We fell out over politics. I can’t speak to his current views on socio-economic justice but Mark is far less obnoxious than I recall. He’s affable even, to a coquettish extent.
In early February, Monica – one of my church home group leaders and the former coordinator of the Young Professionals group – invites me round for dinner. She’s been wanting it to happen for a while. Uncharacteristically, I hope she’ll forget. It’s not that Monica is a bad sort. She’s confident, proactive and has her heart in the right place. We get on well enough. It’s just she lacks self-awareness. I find her assertive to the point of being obtrusive; nay, bossy. In any gathering, she’s the self-appointed spokesperson. Perhaps it’s a clash-of-the-Alpha-females thing but I don’t find her company as easy as say, Karin or Brenda. I perceive that Monica and I wouldn’t be compatible enough to ever be close friends.
However, it reaches the point where I can no longer put off her dinner request. It’s an act of kindness after all; more so given that she’s had a rough time of it herself lately.
my feelings about the experience are mixed. Her honey, walnut and feta salad is very good and
Monica makes an effort to ensure I feel welcome. My initial plan is to keep
the focus of conversation on her and avoid going into detail
about my life. That works for the first portion of the evening, until
Monica starts asking pointed questions. I’m initially judicious
about my responses but once in the flow, my guard comes down more than
intended. Some of the discussion is genuinely enriching,
particularly the theological elements. Monica has a specific take on
the Prodigal Son story – a parable about which I've long been conflicted –
that I find refreshing. Unfortunately, she also feels at liberty to proffer
unsolicited advice.
I already have a shrink and a close circle with whom I can confide.
In hindsight, I feel over-scrutinised. I'm annoyed with myself for not being firmer with my boundaries. Monica is in no position to comment on my life, no matter how well-meaning. Our relationship is not - and unlikely ever to be - that deep.
I have a chance to share my misgivings sooner than anticipated the following day, when Monica and I see each other at another FWM event. She announces she’ll be accompanying me home afterwards, since she also has a function in my neighbourhood. I acquiesce before I can think of a plausible excuse. I’m miffed.
It does nonetheless provide a prime opportunity for me to be polite but frank about the previous evening and other misgivings. She takes it as graciously as she can. In the end, she is whom she is.
It makes me reflect on when I’ve been on the other end of this kind of dynamic. I have more sympathy for some - not all - former budding acquaintances who have found me ‘too much’ and decided to walk away from any potential friendship. I can’t always take it too personally. Sometimes there isn’t sufficient kismet to make it work.
Meanwhile, I endeavour to redirect attention from a lack of connection and relational false starts to investing time and energy into my meaningful Brussels friendships. Karin welcomes a new addition to the family in January; chubby-cheeked Nehemiah. To her immense credit, she still makes time amidst the busyness to see friends. Her now middle child and only daughter, Evita has a mixed reaction to her new sibling. No longer being the youngest, she oscillates between devotion and her diva antics. I bear witness during an awkward meet up at a shopping centre with the whole family, including dad Felix. More than once, I've insinuated to Karin that it'll do Evita a lot of good no longer being the baby of the bunch.
The following week we have a far calmer morning catch-up over hot drinks at an agreeable South American establishment, for which I have Karin to thank for the discovery.
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(image courtesy of Knox Box) |
Later that month, I’ll pop to Marolles for an event organised by another recent acquaintance, B-mol. I’ve long given up on hearing from him, when he reaches out to inform me of a weekly Afro Jam/Open Mic he’s hosting in the old Jewish district. A singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist himself, B-mol warms the crowd with both originals and covers before leaving the stage open to whoever wants to have a go.
It’s not my intention to sing, just observe.
Famous last words.
Before I know it, I’m jamming with the musicians to Sade classics and hopping on the mic for an impromptu Bill Withers/Arrested Development mash-up. I am surprised by how comfortable I am on stage. It must be the ambiance. It’s one of those gloriously enjoyable moments I couldn’t plan. B-mol - and his wife, Luna in particular - are most encouraging. Ditto for the audience and musicians. It’s a different atmosphere from the previous open mics/jam sessions I’ve attended in Brussels. The quality of musicianship and song choices are solid, compared to some of the more liberal events I’ve frequented (A couple of females kill it on the bass and drums to my utmost pleasure). Yet, there’s none of the cliqueyness or withholding elitism of the Jazz crowd. It's -so far - a happy medium between the two. Much kudos to B-mol for pulling it off, despite only moving to Belgium a mere few months before. I tell him -sans hyperbole - that it’s the best of this style of event I’m yet to attend; certainly in the Brussels context. I hope to make it one of my regular hotspots.
By sheer happenstance, B-mol and I will cross paths once more on the metro the following afternoon.
Soundtrack: Best of 2022 mixes, Now by Astrud Gilberto, Tropikadelic by Ireke